Mon, Nov 11, 2024

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM MST (GMT-7)

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Many of us grade using the same grading systems that were in place when we were students. We may not have paused to consider the implications of these approaches or the messages they send to students. In this workshop, we’ll begin by considering our own beliefs about grading before looking at several alternative grading frameworks. You will be introduced to specifications grading, mastery (or standards) based grading, contract grading, and ungrading. You will see examples of how your Boise State colleagues use these different systems and have a chance to develop a plan for how to incorporate some of these new ideas into your teaching. After participating in this workshop, you will be able to:

- Reflect on the implications of your current approach to grading
- Identify benefits associated with alternative grading frameworks
- Describe the general features of various grading frameworks

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