Check out this tutorial for more information on how to submit event registrations as a student organization officer.
Event Registration Timelines
View the Event Planning Timeline page for a description of event types and registration submission dates. Events funded by ASBSU Grants will need an additional 2-3 weeks of planning time.
How do I create an event?
Watch the video at the top of this webpage for a helpful walkthrough for submitting event registrations.
You’ll hear back from us within 2 business days of submitting your request to help you with the next steps and/or to confirm your event.
If you don't have access to creating an event on CampusGroups, then you may not be listed as an officer or you have not completed your Student Organization Officer Training Checklist. You can check the status of your training checklist by going into CampusGroups, clicking on "My Activity" in the left navigation menu and then clicking on "My Checklists".
Why should I submit an event registration?
Events with food
If you’re thinking of having food at your event please review the following information:
The State of Idaho requires post-event documentation on all activities where food is served. Student organizations are required to submit the following materials to Student Involvement the next business day after an event has taken place:
Materials may be sent via email or delivered in hard copy format to Student Involvement.
Submitting this documentation right after your event is very important. New purchase requests will remain pending until documentation for the previous activity has been received.
Raffles may not be held by student organizations. Raffles are considered gambling in the state of Idaho and the state may assess a fine to a student organization that holds a raffle. Drawings and silent auctions are acceptable, simply let Student Involvement know that you’re interested in these options during the event registration and we’ll help you with next steps.
Contracts and Agreements
For some events, your group may want to bring a performer to campus, sponsor a speaker, or pay for a service. In such cases, this may require setting up a contract between the university and the vendor involved.
Contracts must be completed and signed by the Student Involvement and Leadership Center and need to be submitted a minimum of 6 weeks before your first payment for processing time. Student organization officers, advisors, members, or community members may not sign contracts on behalf of your student group. This includes "terms and conditions" for online websites and services.
Showing Movies
Events that plan to incorporate showing a movie/film/video must abide by copyright laws. To do this, student organizations must provide Student Involvement documentation of their “right to show” the movie.
This will typically cost money to your organization and take time to get the correct authorization. Contact Student Involvement if you have any questions or would like assistance in purchasing a temporary license to show a movie/film/video.
What if I have multiple event planners?
When an officer of your club submits an event registration, all the other officers will be tagged in the event registration submission and therefore will be able to view the status of the workflow. Directions can be found above.
If you'd like to add other event coordinators who are not officers, the officer submitting the event registration submission may add other event coordinators using the "+ sign" icon under the "Organizing Team" section. (See video at the top of the webpage at about 1:09 time marker.)
Co-hosting an event
From time-to-time student organizations want to co-host an event or activity with another student organization, a university department, and/or an organization not affiliated with the university. Co-hosting can be a great way for student organizations to achieve their goals by partnering with other groups that share their purpose and would like to offer assistance to put on an event or activity.
The partnership for such activities and events is formalized by including your co-sponsors in your event registration in CampusGroups. These questions help clarify the responsibilities and expectations of all groups involved. If your organization is co-sponsoring an event with another club or department on campus, you'll be able to tag them in the event registration submission and they will be added to the event review workflow to confirm the co-sponsorship. If your organization is partnering with an off-campus organization, Student Involvement will email them a short agreement form to sign. Student Involvement will offer instruction and guidance on how to successfully co-host with on campus and off campus partners depending on the nature of your event.
Risk Management
When planning an event or travel for a student organization you will want to consider the risk associated with your event. If needed, staff from Risk Management on campus will be looped in on the your event registration to review and evaluate potential risk at your event, ask questions, and provide recommendations to minimize risk.